Monday, April 1, 2013

Night walker part 7

Night Walker part 7

It has been three nights since Shaniqua witnessed the doggie cannibal incident.  Three nights since she actually witnessed the incident, the other nights Bertie saw it in her nightmares.  Bertie chose to lay low, rest and rethink her life choices.  She had been hitting the streets pretty hard as Shaniqua in an attempt to cram in as much experiences as she could in a short amount of time.  Bertie found this assignment nothing short of disgusting but she chose it and she would see it through.  Her idea for getting through this assignment was that, as in the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts, by not kissing the johns she somehow detached herself from the sexual acts.  This idea was not panning out too well.  Equally as ineffective was thinking that condoms in some way would help her detach emotionally, maybe if she wore the condom over her Limbic system.  There was a modicum of detachment; she was after all researching a topic not living this lifestyle out of necessity or circumstance.  As a researcher she was able to approach her johns with a clinical mindset; to a point.  She did share her cerebral space with Shaniqua however and Shaniqua "felt" things differently.  Bertie was a bright woman, really she was but what on earth was she thinking!  Her plan to spend two months researching for her latest book as a prostitute, a night walker, would sound absurd to anyone; it was starting to sound that way to her.  Shake it off sistah!  We gots to gets ta work said Shaniqua to Bertie.  Never before had Bertie heard so clearly and independently in her head the voice of her latest alter ego; it was disconcerting.

Bertie, taking heed to what Shaniqua had said, retrieves the identity shoe boxes from the bookshelf next to the TV.  Bertie places "her" in the wood grain box with the calligraphic B, returns the lid to the box, the box to the shelf.  Bertie then takes Shaniqua's bedazzled pink and chartreuse box into the bedroom to breathe life into Shaniqua.
Not too busy out tonight.  Be someone come though.  Mens always wants it.  Shaniqua began her "shift" on her corner the same way she had for the past six weeks; relentless.  Nothing seemed to have changed since she last worked.  Le'me think, was Thursday when I seen dem dogs eatin one 'nother.  I ain't no mind to nothin' over the weekend, but 'tall looks da same so maybe nothin' gone on.  Just then Shaniqua noticed a flier taped to the light pole; MISSING WOMAN.

Instantly she remembers the sight of the leopard print pump.  The sight of dem dogs eating one 'nother put it clean out my head.


1 comment:

  1. Dice Mardell said...
    thank you !
    03 April, 2013

    Lu' said...
    You are welcome. I've got part 8 ready to go in a draft :)
    03 April, 2013

    Phfrankie Bondo said: ...enjoy the
    04 April, 2013

    Phfrankie Bondo said:!
    04 April, 2013
