Thursday, October 9, 2008

S7 Challenge 3 Duck butt

American Revolution, atonality, constitute, empirical, fold, impotent, lettered

It seemed like another American Revolution. The ducks were certainly revolting or was it molting. When Mr.Atonality Duck talked the others into leaving the row didn’t that constitute a revolution? Empirical, damn right, Daffy had seen this happen before. Once a duck gets on a piece of clothing; there is no keeping them in the fold. Previous revolts of this kind have shown those wishing to stop it; impotent in their efforts. Daffy did enjoy when he would see a duck butt draped and lettered with the words “honk if you’re horney” Funnier on the geese, but still a chuckle on the ducks.

Friday, October 3, 2008

S7 Challenge 2 Paris

Counter measure, land locked, mission, plagiarize, rectum, Smith Adam, syllabus.

Counter measure, that is what we need to end the land locked acreage in Mission Hoochapackey. Ms. Plagiarize Hilton was quoted as saying “That s.o.b. gives me a pain in the rectum” She was referring to Mr. Smith, Adam Smith and his refusal to meet with her to discuss a possible solution to the land lock. It appears he holds the key. She doesn’t know what to do with the syllabus she created; maybe she could give him a pain in the rectum. She giggles and reaches for a National Enquirer from the news stand.